Well, first I imported it onto my laptop and all was well. Then I did it on the desktop.
Interestingly, it did not have data on it for a full 30 days. It could be that I recently had to do a full wipe of the card, now that I think about it. I'll try it again in a few weeks.
Anyway, for 7 days (counting backwards), full data, full graphs, just like always.
Day 8, some graphs were gone. And the graphs that were left, some of them changed. The most marked change was the mask pressure graph. In the 7 day, it was thick with the inhale/exhale pressure. In the 8th day back, it was just a simple line of, I assume, the inhale.
After the 21st day, there is no data. Not even hours used. I did not open it in ResScan as I didn't have it on the desktop yet. In a few weeks, I'll try it again to see if the data extends beyond day 21 and goes the full 30. By then, I'll have ResScan installed and see if the hours used appears there.
Take a deep breath and count to zen.