TL;DR: Initial AHI of 102; just got A11 APAP; requesting help with equipment and first OSCAR dataset.
My sleep study results showed an AHI of 102 and the 48 hr Holter Monitor showed that my heart had "paused" 8 times for greater than 5 seconds while I slept. I've been tired my whole life, but in the past few years I've gained weight (6', 220#) and my snoring was so bad and I was jerking awake so often that I decided a couple of years ago to start sleeping in the guest room to save my poor wife from having to endure that. Not only was the OSA waking me up, but I was forcing myself to sleep facing away from her and the anxiety of affecting her sleep was making it hard to fall back asleep.
I had to wait for 3 months after my at-home sleep study results came in to get my Resmed A11 (is it A11 or S11?). I was using a friend's old Transcend unit in the meantime, but it had no settings (just two buttons), the water tank leaked and so no heat, no humidification. Combine that with unknown pressures (the donor had no idea because it was so old), excessive fan noise, and weird EPR behavior, if you can even call it that, and the result was insane dry mouth and sores. I also got my F20 mask on Fleabay, which was giving me sores around my nose no matter how I adjusted it. It was better than nothing, though it didn't feel to be by very much most nights. The nights when it worked I woke up almost feeling buzzed and a bit light-headed; the good days made the bad days a little better since lack of sleep had a cumulative effect
I've had my A11 for about a week now and it's a marked improvement. I read on here how to access the Clinical settings and what the settings mean, but I haven't changed anything yet.
New mask issues:
The Airtouch F20 mask with the foam is infinitely better, but I'm still having trouble with fitment and air leaks. The tech who worked for the supplier helped me in her office, but when I got home the air leaked excessively unless I was very still. I was able to adjust a bunch of different ways, but now the mask is creating some problems: sores at the bridge and side of my nose, and my teeth actually hurt for five or so minutes after I remove the mask (not bad, but noticeable). Any suggestions?
A11 APAP issues:
1. For every single night except last night I was getting an error when I woke up: "Heating system error, Therapy may run without heating". The water tank level lowered by half from max the first night, IIRC, but stayed at the max level and gave me the same error when I woke up. There was no water on the plate any of the nights and I didn't split any water in that area. I also pulled and re-inserted the hose multiple times. It seemed to work last night, but I woke up to an empty water tank after around 8 hrs of use, but no error. The climate controls are all set to auto and I woke up without any of the above-listed issues from dry mouth.
2. My Rx is from 5-20 cm, which seems really wide. I learned from here that the lowest the APAP can go is 4, so my EPR setting of 2 is really a 1. The OSCAR data shows a med air pressure of 11.06, so I'm wondering if I should raise the lower setting.
OSCAR data: See attached. Please let me know if I provided what you need.