I usually keep my CAs down to about 1.5 and my hypopnias about the same for a total of around 3 per hour average. My hypopnias have never been more than 10. It is extremely rare for me to have any OAs. However, sometimes my CAs spike to 11. When I have a big meeting the next day my Dr. prescribed a small dose of klonopin (.5 mg) to help me sleep. This really helps and knocks my CAs down to .2 per hour. I am very careful with the Klonopin and only use it on nights before important meetings and to break the cycle of when my CAs spike. Monthly average is a about 3 CAs and Hypopnias total. I feel that many of my CAs are restless sleep. I realize that I cannot use klonopin every night as it will become ineffective and habit forming. I thinking about CBD oild before bed - Any ideas?
Thanks - Dave