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Machine: Remediated Dreamstation APAP-CPAP Mode Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F20 Humidifier: Built In CPAP Pressure: CPAP 15cmH2O CPAP Software: OSCAR
(09-24-2024, 01:40 PM)Phaleronic Wrote: Well, I would use easy breath for now, but stay with auto mode then and try the trigger sensitivity change to very high.
Thank you for your advice again. I will try easy breath tonight.
Yestersday night, I tried S-mode with the pre-set back up rate of 10. It was very uncomfortable and got some pressure in my abdomen just after a trial of 1 to 2 minutes when I was awake. Changed it back to Vauto because of that. I got an AHI of 2.9 for a 5-hour sleep.
Machine: Remediated Dreamstation APAP-CPAP Mode Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F20 Humidifier: Built In CPAP Pressure: CPAP 15cmH2O CPAP Software: OSCAR
I tried the S-mode and found it not comfortable. I couldn't tolerate the air getting in my stomach so switched back to V-auto.
Now I got a much better AHI reading but still always woke up in the middle of the night. Please see below for the records recently and would like to seek for your kind advice if I should adjust any set-up to get further improvement.
Thanks in advance and I am looking forward to advices from the knowledgeable community here!