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CPAP Usage Record with a Wrong Value?
CPAP Usage Record with a Wrong Value?
I have below in the "Record" section of the Welcome screen.
I confirmed the numbers are the same on OSCAR 1.5.0 and 1.5.1.

CPAP Usage
2019/12/04 - 2023/07/01
Total Days: 1306
Days Not Used: 9
Days Used: 1297
Days >= 4.0 Hours: 1207
Days < 4.0 Hours: 90
Compliance: 92.4%

If I have 1297 days used, and days >= 4.0 hours, the days < 4.0 Hours should be less or equal to 9...
Is this right to have 90 instead?

Thank you in advance,
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RE: CPAP Usage Record with a Wrong Value?
The math is correct

1207/1306 is 92.4%
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RE: CPAP Usage Record with a Wrong Value?
I am embarrased.
Yes, the math is correct.  What did I see?!

Thanks for your comment and time you spent on this stupid post.
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RE: CPAP Usage Record with a Wrong Value?
Not stupid, I assure you. Years ago I caught the SW in a miscalc on compliance (days not used were ignored)
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