07-12-2019, 06:43 PM
Mask Problems
Hi there - haven't been around for a while - long illness but am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - anyhoo.....what are your thoughts on the dreamwear and resmed N30i? I have used both - currently using the N30i. Both masks leave a permanent dent in my hair - the dreamwear I can put a headband on there to help with it but it doesn't seem to be working with the resmed however - with the resmed, I'm now getting dry red patches next to the nostrils and between the eyebrows..I'm figuring it's the air blowing directly onto these places. If I have the mask too tight I get strap marks, if too loose, lots of air loss. Putting a barrier cream on seems to help protect the skin from the air. I like the feel of the resmed more than the dreamwear but I think going back to the dreamwear would be the better option as I wasn't getting those red dry patches because of how the mask sits under the nose rather and the slight curve the resmed has.
So basically, what I'm asking is has anyone experienced the redness? Have you cured it? Have you managed to stop the dent in your hair?
Many thanks in advance
So basically, what I'm asking is has anyone experienced the redness? Have you cured it? Have you managed to stop the dent in your hair?
Many thanks in advance