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04-25-2022, 09:26 AM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2022, 09:27 AM by gainerfull.)
Melatonin + CPAP = Success
I very rarely take melatonin but took it Friday night. Woke up to feeling incredibly refreshed, having dreams that I could recall and being alert immediately.
Turns out, my CPAP data agrees and this is nearly the lowest I've achieved so far. After my first post I experimented with EPR as suggested but came back to no EPR until now. Might try an EPR of 1 tonight to see if I can get AHI even lower. Pretty incredible to sleep almost 8hrs and have an AHI below 2! The best part is I repeated these results the next two days as well. Turns out there's been a study on this and I've e-mailed the doctor asking to see the results of their clinical trial.
Congratulations! That's great news. Keep up the good work.
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!
I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea.
Machine: ResMed Airsense 10 Autoset for Her Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Resmed Airtouch F20 Humidifier: Resmed Airsense CPAP Pressure: APAP 11.8-16 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Comments: PAP use since September 2015--30.8 AHI untreated
Thanks for posting this, gainerfull. I have taken a 5mg timed-release Melatonin each night for years. I had a sleep problem--going to sleep and staying asleep--when I started CPAP in September 2015. I hardly slept for weeks after CPAP, and my doctor suggested it. It works very well for me. As we age, melatonin drops--I am now 81 and depend on it.
Melatonin cleans me up after every five days or so of between 5-6 hours of sleep nightly. I try not to use it often so that it retains its potency on my system.
Incidentally, it's supposed to be the single most powerful antioxidant we can ingest.
I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea.