Need cleaning after several months without use?
After several months of not using my CPAP I've decided to go back to using it. Do I need to clean it in any specific way before using it? I neglected to empty the humidifier for quite a while. When I subsequently used the machine once I woke up with a very unpleasant feeling in my chest (maybe because I have to get used to using it again?).
The doctor recommended asking the technician to clean and check it out, I'm trying to avoid an unnecessary expense and hassle.
RE: Need cleaning after several months without use?
Well, it's good you're going to try using it again.
Dust it off, change the air filter and buy a new humidifier tub. If you let it sit for several months without emptying the water, who know what's growing in there. If you don't want to buy a new one, then clean it before using again.
RE: Need cleaning after several months without use?
Clean the hose mask, and reservoir with 10 parts water 1 part vinegar in a bucket, and then rinse and clean again (let sit) with warm soapy water.