After hitting the 1 year mark, getting a significantly comfortable/less leaking mask, still consistently seeing central apneas and finding out my lowenstein machine now works with oscar has reinvigerated me to try and improve my treatment from where i'm at by posting here.
My machine is one that can only drop 2.5 pressure below whatever I set it when exhaling (EPR?) and I use that feature, so the range in my data below is pressure 6.5 to 9. Obstructions aren't a problem but even before I check my data when I wake up I know if I feel bad it's because I have a bunch of flagged central apneas on my sleeping app (PrismaTS)
I read that it might be good to explore an ASV machine when dealing with central apneas or exploring reducing my pressure until I have nice round breaths when inhaling/exhaling, but I honestly don't know what i'm doing so I came here , I heard that people here are really friendly and may be able to help me if I post some data.
If there's any other data/information I can post that will aid your analysis please ask, below I just screencapped last nights oscar sleep data and zoomed in a bit on the other screenshot, I also included my lowenstein prisma app just because it showed my respiratory flow clearer
I hope I have did this right and followed the rules.