There is an item of concern that seems weird to me but I figured I would outline it here for some potential insight or thoughts about it. I sleep "better" and felt "better" with the AirSense 10 versus the AirCurve 10.
The last settings of the AirSense 10 I would lay down and fall asleep rather quickly and I would wake a bit here and there in the middle of the night but I fell back to sleep very quickly. I woke up feeling fairly good and I would feel a 7 or 8 out of 10 fairly consistently but randomly I would feel 5 or 6 out of 10. I can't think of anything that would cause this in terms of diet, exercise, daily events such as stress, etc it just seems so totally random. The big take away though is that I would fall asleep quickly and very rarely be wide aware in the middle of the night.
With the AirCurve 10 with the latest settings (which is substantially more comfortable than the default settings) I am consistently waking up, totally wide awake, in the middle of the night for 30+ minutes. I also noticed that I am not falling asleep quickly, sometimes laying there for 30 to 60 minutes (if I had to guess given I try not to look at the clock). This waking up wide awake between 1am and 3am is what happens without any theapy, yet it doesn't happen with the AirSense 10 which I can't quite put my finger on.
I don't know how or why this would be. In a nutshell, I fall asleep very fast and rarely am "wide awake" and consistently sleep better with the AirSense 10 with a random date of feeling like garbage. With the AirCurve 10 I am consistently not falling asleep quickly, am consistently waking up wide awake in the middle of the night and overall consistently felling less good during the day.
Below are my settings for each device for reference:
AirSense 10
Mode: CPAP
Fixed 8.0
AirCurve 10 ASV
Mode: ASVAuto
Min EPAP 5.0
Max EPAP 8.0
PS Min: 4.0
PS Max: 9.00
Note: Attached is last night, 5/29 in which at just before 1:00 am I woke up wide awake. I laid there for 10 minutes or so and then acnkowledged I'm totally wide awake so I went and used the restroom and just laid there for a bit until I felt drowsy then put the machine back on at around 1:30 am. One other item I noticed with the AirCurve 10 is that I burp here and there in the middle of the night or when trying to fall back to sleep. . Attached is also a 20 minute time frame before I woke up in the middle of the night and after putting the mask and machine back on.