Hi mogulman.
Nice job!
AHI, leaks, and snores all look like they are within a reasonable range, so there is nothing that would suggest you need any adjustment. You could simply ride these settings out in hopes this trend toward higher usage rates (hrs/night) continues. Keep up the good work!
As for adjustment theory, as I see it unfolding in posts from many CPAP vets, the following is offered.
In a recent post on another thread (
http://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread-...#pid126608 [see post 16]), I noted, as others have:
Quote:What we usually find out is our own sweet spot ends up being above the original median pressure and no more than 2 cm below our original 95% pressure.
If I routinely had nights like your recent one (
https://h8kaig.dm2302.livefilestore.com/...jpg?psid=1) I would seek to (over time) move my minimum pressure above 10.58 using Median value, and above 10.38 using the 95% value. For my machine, that would put me at 11.0 cmH2O so my range would be 11.0-16.0.
Most of our posters also indicate that the ramp feature should be gradually phased out once you are acclimated to the machine. I believe you would benefit if you eventually reduced or eliminated the ramp. I leave my ramp on, but have it start just 1 to 2 cmH2O below my start pressure.
If I had your current chart to base it on, I would set my ramp start at 8 cm. When I change my minimum treatment pressure to 10 (next week) I will also change my ramp to 9. Since I am trying to adjust my start pressure eventually to 11, I'll shift my ramp start as well to 10. If I stop feeling uncomfortable with the ramp start pressure, or I just get tired of changing it, I might just turn it off.
Anyway, none of the above is something you need to do now, as your readings seem fine. Just relax and get those huge chunks of sleep on a more consistent basis.