Symptoms and Challenges: I have been dealing with mostly hypopneas, centrals, and flow limitations. It seems as though I’m dealing with UARS, which makes sense given my symptoms and slender build. I find I have a really hard time exhaling. I’ve tried chin straps and nasal masks, but when I do, I wake up from trying so hard to breathe against the pressure. For this reason, I believe BiPAP would help tame my flow limitations. A huge challenge is aerophagia as well. i'm kept awake by frequent burping and air going into my throat.
Request for Advice: Has anyone had similar issues and found relief with BiPAP? Are there other treatments or adjustments I should consider?
Conclusion: Thank you for your input. If you would like any more data, I have many charts to share.
P.s I've spent a lot of time awake trying to fall asleep in this chart, but I think it represents my treatment experience. as for the large leaks, those are me awake detaching the hose so I may itchy my nose. hah