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Machine: ResMed Air sense 11 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F30I Humidifier: unsure CPAP Pressure: 7-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR
12-16-2023, 05:10 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2023, 05:13 PM by Keep on keeping on..)
OSCAR evaluation and recommendations please.
Would you mind having a look and provide some recommendations based on the data below?
Background info:
Had chronic sleep maintenance insomnia since 2017 only improved once I started to treat moderate sleep apnea. 30 OSA during REM Sleep during sleep study.
Currently using soft cervical collar, made a big difference, for sure.
I have a lot of waxing and waning breathing.
Hypopneas appear to be most consistent event
EPR is off
Would appreciate your feedback. Thanks for your time.
1 of 3
Machine: ResMed Air sense 11 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F30I Humidifier: unsure CPAP Pressure: 7-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR
You have a wee bit of flow limitations and hypopnoeas going on. Give a pressure range of 8-12 with EPR 2 a try. That may be enough to get it under control. Or if too much we can dial it back to EPR 1.
Glad to see you giving the SCC a go. Easy enough to try a night without it at some point if you choose to see what it is doing for your therapy.
Also, please read the link on “Organising your OSCAR charts” in my signature. You did a brill job, but there is a bit more information that may help in the missing charts. No worries, just give it a read when you get a chance.
Machine: ResMed Air sense 11 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F30I Humidifier: unsure CPAP Pressure: 7-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR
12-16-2023, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2023, 08:22 PM by PeaceLoveAndPizza.)
RE: OSCAR evaluation and recommendations please.
Apologies. Thanks for catching that. I meant full-time.
I subscribe to the camp to only use ramp if it is an absolute necessity to help fall asleep. If you do have to use it, only use the minimal pressure differential to the base pressure required. For example, if you use a pressure range of 8-12 with EPR 2, set ramp pressure to 6ish. Some of us are very sensitive to pressure changes, so the smallest change possible helps.
Machine: ResMed Air sense 11 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F30I Humidifier: unsure CPAP Pressure: 7-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Machine: ResMed Air sense 11 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F30I Humidifier: unsure CPAP Pressure: 7-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Well done lad! Things look quite brilliant, I see nothing I would consider changing for now. Let us see how it continues and if we need to fine-tune we can do it if any concerns show up.
Regarding the charts, you can actually shrink them down a bit to fit all five on the main screen. I am not very computer savvy, so forgive my explanation. You can “click” on the bottom of a graph and pull it up a bit to shrink it. Once you have all five on the screen you can save the layout using the “layout” button the bottom. That way even if you change things later you can always come back to it. There is probably some mystical incantation you can use from the menu bar to do it easier, but I am a luddite and have not searched around for it.
Machine: ResMed Air sense 11 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F30I Humidifier: unsure CPAP Pressure: 7-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR