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Took a turn for the worst. Please help with OSCAR Charts
I was making decent progress but the last 2-3 weeks have not been going as well as it was when I first started therapy. I don't get nearly the amount of sleep I was getting and wake up a lot and have a higher AHI. I don't really know what to do at this point as I've adjusted the EPR and humidity settings which don't seem to make a difference.
I would greatly appreciate any ideas as to where to start looking for improvements in my charts? Thank you!
RE: Took a turn for the worst. Please help with OSCAR Charts
I’m not the one to give suggestions on centrals. That is what is giving you the high numbers. To cut down the time it takes to get someone that can help they will need you to post a zoomed in of a 2 minute section of a couple of your centrals
Zooming in is easy - click on an area of centrals and your up arrow and down zooms in and out. Pick a couple 2 minute sections and post.
RE: Took a turn for the worst. Please help with OSCAR Charts
Stacy, a 10-minute zoom image will show us the character of the central, especially if they are treatment-emergent or CO2 driven.
2-3 minute zoom gives us the character of the individual breaths usually evaluating flow limitations. It's never bad to show both.
LBTRS, whenever we see a sudden appearance of Centrals we want to reduce EPR to see if that impacts the number of events. You have EPR=3, Try EPR=1 and we will take it from there.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
05-22-2021, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2021, 08:47 PM by LBTRS.)
RE: Took a turn for the worst. Please help with OSCAR Charts
Was concerned about not getting any sleep with a big jump in the EPR so moved it to 1 last night and will turn it off tonight and see if I can sleep without it. Here are my charts from last night. Thanks for your help and suggestions, you don't know how much I appreciate all the help from this forum.
RE: Took a turn for the worst. Please help with OSCAR Charts
Sorry I didn't post an update sooner. I tried with EPR off and could not get to sleep so I went back to an EPR of 1 temporarily while I'm dealing with a sinus situation. I'll try turning EPR off as soon as I'm not also fighting sinus congestion along with CPAP. My AHI has improved with EPR of 1 so you may be onto something. More to come. Thanks again.