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6+ of CPAP, but symptoms are coming back for some reason
I am a 36 year old male, 5'7" and 138 lbs.
In October of 2016 I was diagnosed with mild OSA, AHI 7.
I have been using a ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSense since November 2016. I've been complaint for all but a few of nights since then.
Prescribed pressure is 8-15. I changed it to 8-14 about a month ago, and I.. forget why. Things didn't improve. I've since changed it back.
I have a ramp starting at a pressure of 4.
I have hypothyroidism, medicated.
I was not optimistic about CPAP, at the start. But then I traveled and slept without it and my worst symptoms – nocturia, muscle aches, brain fog – came roaring back. So I've stuck with it.
But gradually, over the last two years, those symptoms have been coming back and waking has been pretty difficult and weirdly timed. CPAP settings, equipment, and sleeping arrangement are all the same. I have a feeling that my body has adjusted now that I'm in the back half of my 30s.
It's been incredibly rough because I had a surgery last year, and I feel that the recuperation period was lengthened because of my lousy sleep.
These particular logs aren't great, I can see a lot of leaks. I might share more later.
RE: 6+ of CPAP, but symptoms are coming back for some reason
hey terrytorres
You said that CPAP settings, equipment, and sleeping arrangement are all the same, but has anything else changed considerably? Have you put on weight, stopped exercising, changed locations, allergies, etc? Anything you can think of.
I see a lot of large leaks coinciding with the chop in your flowrate, and, although it's hard to discern from this vantage point which came first, that's something I would narrow in on. It's the easiest place to start. How's the quality of your mask? It's not falling apart or has any defect?
What does the long-term statistics tab show? Notice any pivotal points?
09-20-2023, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2023, 02:38 PM by terrytorres.
Edit Reason: typo
RE: 6+ of CPAP, but symptoms are coming back for some reason
Okay, I went back into my emails, and I guess I've been cheap with my masks. I use a AirFit P10 Nasal Pillow Mask. I ordered one back in SEPTEMBER of last year, and one in FEBRUARY of this year. I've been cleaning and alternating between the two of those every night. My ClimateLineAir Tube is from September as well. I should re-order these. I can't believe I missed the Labor Day sales...
I don't know how common this is, but I have a huge head and I hate breaking in a new mask. The loosest setting is still tight. I never feels comfortable until 3 or 4 months in. That's probably why I haven't been in a rush to update. And the cost.
As for life changes, everything has been kind of changing. I've had 2 surgeries in the last 1.5 years. I've swung between being sedentary by necessity and being very active by necessity. The pandemic and remote work definitely introduced a new dynamic when it came to fitness, but since my surgery recovery I've been in better shape than I can remember, fitness and nutrition-wise. I've also had a successful campaign of immunotherapy allergy shots, so my reactions to various things have actually gone down based on a skin prick test.
Here's my statistics. Yeah, looking at the leak rate, I'm pretty shocked. Usually I know something's leaking because of noise, and my wife says I've been quieter than ever.
I'm pretty sure I've felt this way since before I started logging on this SD card, and that there's something else going on aside from the leak, but I guess I can't prove it until I address the leak. And a new mask and hose would be step one, I guess.
RE: 6+ of CPAP, but symptoms are coming back for some reason
hey terrytorres,
I wasn't necessarily saying that they need replacement, but they could be worn down and not doing their job well. Don't let me prompt you into a PAP-supplies shopping spree
Yes, there does seem to be a considerable difference in the leak rate between time periods. Resolving the leak first is a good place to start. What makes you think it's the hose?
RE: 6+ of CPAP, but symptoms are coming back for some reason
I don't know that it's the hose. I guess I just assume it can't be the mask's seal against my face or my mouth opening, because I don't have the usual signs I associated with those, like dry's saliva around my mouth or my wife poking me. I assume it was pinhole leaks at the joints of the hose or mask that get opened when I move. Not that I can see them, they just don't looks so fresh as they used to.
I'll search for some threads about leaks like mine.
RE: 6+ of CPAP, but symptoms are coming back for some reason
Terry, the mask frame rarely wears out, but I use 5 or more nasal pillows in rotation so I end up cleaning about once per week. The nasal pillows are what go bad and lead to the leaks we see on your chart. Try finding a deal on the P10 pillows and you can wait for a deal on the whole mask. I get monthly nasal pillow replacement, so I have quite a few spares on-hand.
RE: 6+ of CPAP, but symptoms are coming back for some reason
I use a Resmed F 20 Airfit .. They make 3 sizes of headgear for this mask ..
Resmed may make different sizes for Your mask .. If not Gideon's idea is the
next best option ..
Best of luck .. Steve