I did swap out my pillow for a different pillow, since the one I was using was kind of high. I also ended up after a couple more nights swapping to try a static pressure, because it felt like changes in pressure were waking me up. Well, I guess it's hard to tell if it's the change in pressure or the event the change in pressure was responding to, I guess. In any case, I was waking up and noticing the pressures were high on the machine and having trouble getting back to sleep and decided to try something different.
From an overview, it looks pretty good, but I have a couple questions.
1. Is there any advice to getting comfortable with exhaling against pressure? Even at EPR 3 with pressure not that high, it really feels like I have to work to exhale. It's very hard for me to relax into. I know to some extent it's just getting used to it, and I've been trying to get more acclimated during the day when I'm not trying to sleep, but it's hard to settle in at night.
2. It's not flagging very many events, but if I zoom in, there's a bunch of stuff that looks kind of funky, but just not long enough/bad enough for the system to flag it maybe? This might be splitting hairs to look at, probably, but I'm so prone to waking up at night that I'd like to make sure that I'm setting things up as well as I can here. My poorly educated guess is that if I wasn't on CPAP at all, these would be full events, but they're kind of half-prevented, here. My second poorly educated guess is that perhaps a pressure increase is required, because my 95% pressure on the days I used the auto was ~9ish, but even the jump from 8/EPR3 to 9/EPR3 feels like quite a lot to exhale into.