hey everyone i have been struggling for a long time and i just wanted to make a post on here to see what everyone else thinks i should do
im 22 years old, dont have much money, and struggle some mentally.
im trying to rule out sleep apnea because i wake up 3-7 times during the night just randomly to pee, i have a hard time falling asleep and cant sleep during the day, andalot of times i just feel miserable in the mornings. i feel very awake but not rested.
now im not sure if this sounds like sleep apnea or not because it almost seems as though i cant really fall deeply asleep anymore. many times the littlest thing will wake me up and i cant fall back asleep. many times i might only sleep 6 hours.
alot of times i just feel im dragging myself through life. i struggle with some mental/mood/thought issues too. i want to see a psychiatrist but they are booked out and i wish to rule out sleep apnea to see how much that helps me.
i have headaches very often and sometimes when i wake up especially if i eat before bed
im waiting for a referral from a sleep clinic but the thing is i dont know if i can afford a sleep study and machine
i was wondering if it might be smart to buy a used apap machine and use that to determine if i actually have sleep apnea, and use that to help untill later down the road.
ive tested blood sugar, thyroid and testosterone and they seem to be relatively normal.
ive had blood tests in the past.
what do you guys reccomend? does this sound like a sleep study would be worth it?
thanks in advance for any replies/advice