It shows set pressure and epap. This is confusing terminology as what I set was a minimum pressure of 6 and max of 8
In this case Aflex of 2. I understand that if pap is 6 the most it can drop is 2 during expiration but the graph really doesn't show aflex
The graph attached shows periods where set pressure and EPAP are the same, periods when set pressure is higher than EPAP and
periods when periods of EPAP being higher than set pressure. The term "set" pressure is confusing. Is this the inspiratory pressure?? - can't be as sometimes EPAP is higher??
I am totally confused by this
The actual care orchestrator pressure on detail plot just shows one pressure
I find ResMed detailed breath by breath pressure change easier to understand. You can clearly see epr if present
I hope someone can explain this
thanks rb
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