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I've been looking for ways to connect continuous oxygen to my AirMini for travel. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any information about the AirMini being compatible with continuous oxygen, but I did find a way to connect an O2 hose to a bleed valve. Here is what I did…
I connected an AirMini hose adapter to a bleed value and used a MedLock device to connect the existing AirMini hose to the bleed valve. I did this by cutting the hose close to the connector to the machine and replacing it with the MedLock. See photo.
The MedLock is a device I found on the Internet. One has to cut the hose, and then it screws into the MedLock. Googling MedLock should get results for the MedLock kit.
My testing with the setup so far yields similar nightly SpO2 means (using CMS50F recording pulse oximeter).
I just purchased a ResMed AirMini to use when traveling and I now realize bleeding in oxygen is not mentioned in their manual, and the manual states oxygen shouldn't be used. My plan is using my Caire Freestyle Comfort as my oxygen source.
I'm checking if you are still happy with your workaround. Your instructions and pictures are very helpful.