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Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
My main machine now has slightly more blower hours than my backup machine. Both machines have been used for about 1200 hours; when I bought them, the S8 had zero hours and the S7 had about 900. I'm wondering whether I should alternate between the two to keep the blower hours even, to delay purchasing another machine as long as possible. Has anyone else done this? How effective is the S7 autoset algorithm? (I know the machine doesn't respond to snoring.) Is this worthwhile or am I being cheap? The S7 is a brick but I don't have any great need for data right now.
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RE: Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
Hi big_dave
I would use S8 as main machine and also try sell one or both of them and get an S9 autoset
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RE: Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
Agree with Zonk...whats the point to trying to maintain older machines when the newer ones are more accurate, latest technology and certainly produce better information. You'll take an interest in software and data sooner or later.
Maybe keep the best of the two as a backup, if you feel the need for one and use the other one as trade bait.
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RE: Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
I agree. Use the S8.

I had the same S8 AutoSet II and my AHI averaged 3.5 for 4+ years but, when it died and I bought my current S9 AutoSet I'm now averaging a 1.03 AHI going on 3 months now.

The automatic algorithm on the S9 is so much better than the S8, I'm still using the same mask I've had for 4 1/2 years and my apnea didn't get any better - it's the machine and how it detects and then adjusts that have lowered my AHI.

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RE: Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
If you figure out the pressure you need, you could just set the minimum pressure on the S7 to something that solves your apnea most of the time.

If you want to switch them out, I'd suggest swapping them once a month or so, as long as they both work well for you.
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RE: Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
(12-09-2012, 06:37 PM)big_dave Wrote: My main machine now has slightly more blower hours than my backup machine. Both machines have been used for about 1200 hours; when I bought them, the S8 had zero hours and the S7 had about 900. I'm wondering whether I should alternate between the two to keep the blower hours even,

It's neat how you can calculate the hours like that. Let's see.
average 6 hours times 365 days.....
2190 hours (all times approximate)
times 14 years
30,660 hours thereabouts for my old machine.
They're build to last a while. I don't think you really need to worry about, as you say, "even out" things. Besides, consider that a good proportion of the users probably only have one to deal with. Use what works better for you. Retire/junk/trade/sell/donate the other. Your thoughts seem a little on the OCD side. Be easier on yourself.
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RE: Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
OK I'm a bit obsessive about spending as little as possible but I prefer to think of it as a survival skill. I'm working at a seasonal job after being out of work for six months, and my job ends at Christmas. I'll probably get an S9 after I recover financially, but other things take priority.
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RE: Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
(12-11-2012, 03:23 PM)big_dave Wrote: OK I'm a bit obsessive about spending as little as possible but I prefer to think of it as a survival skill. I'm working at a seasonal job after being out of work for six months, and my job ends at Christmas. I'll probably get an S9 after I recover financially, but other things take priority.

LOL no I meant the obsessive-compulsive concept of trying to ensure one machine gets as much use as the other. Frankly I see that as pointless. Like if a person taps their left finger three times they feel a need to tap their right finger three times to balance it out. Spending as little as possible is a whole different matter. Humbug. Use the one that works better for you and ignore the other one. To be sure, I didn't touch my S9 Escape while I was borrowing an S8 AutoSet. But it had to go back and now I make do with what I've got.
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RE: Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
(12-11-2012, 03:23 PM)big_dave Wrote: OK I'm a bit obsessive about spending as little as possible but I prefer to think of it as a survival skill. I'm working at a seasonal job after being out of work for six months, and my job ends at Christmas. I'll probably get an S9 after I recover financially, but other things take priority.

This will work until one or both of them suddenly roll over and die. Then you will need the money right then and there or go without until you can afford another. Have you looked to see if you are eligible for Medicaid in your state?

Since money is important (and when is it not??), you may want to look into getting a Respironics autoPAP. The cost difference can be a lot. SecondWind (Supplier #2) sells them with or without the humidifier which drops the cost even more. You can get a humidifier later when you can afford it.

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: Alternating between two machines to even out the blower hours?
(12-11-2012, 03:23 PM)big_dave Wrote: OK I'm a bit obsessive about spending as little as possible but I prefer to think of it as a survival skill. I'm working at a seasonal job after being out of work for six months, and my job ends at Christmas. I'll probably get an S9 after I recover financially, but other things take priority.

I've watched my local Craigslist and find good buys every 3 months or so. So far, a PRS1 Auto for $300 and $200, and an S9 Auto for $300. It took about 3 months between buys, and about a trip to a city 90 miles away for the S9, but I'm happy. It's a good way to find a better/backup machine.

Now, I'm looking for a good buy on an S9 VPAP Auto, but I suspect the wait will be longer.

You do see a lot of crappy old machines at ridiculous prices, but there's an occasional pony with the manure.
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If it's midnight and a DME tells you it's dark outside, go and check it yourself.
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