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07-17-2024, 05:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2024, 05:59 PM by Seb483782.)
Looking to Improve my AHI Score
New to the forum, new to CPAP therapy. Started on CPAP in March of 2024. My AHI ranges from 0.20 - 1.40.
I am getting half decent sleep but keep waking up. I started at 5 - 20 cmH20 APA, but have changed it to 6-18 cmH20 and seen some improvement. Looking for some feedback on how to improve this even more.
07-17-2024, 06:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2024, 06:11 PM by Narcil.)
RE: Looking to Improve my AHI Score
your ahi is almost perfect, it will never consistently hit 0. just setting expectations. you almost have no leaks so good job on that.
i think you could further restrict your apap range to something like 7-14 and maybe turn ramp off. might improve comfort a bit.
could also try cpap mode it might reduce your ahi a little. i would try 10cm but you have more data. Your 95% pressure it closer to 9cm on that particular day so depending on other days maybe 9cm is enough.
Thanks for the quick reply! I will lower my max a bit as recommended. Is there a reason you are suggesting 7 instead of 6 as a minimum (just trying to learn)? Also, I do feel like I still wake up a lot, even with the machine. I am not sure why I do, but I wake up around 4 times a night.
Just to try to improve comfort by avoiding wild pressure swings. Your median pressure is above 7 so you already spend more than half the night above 7.
I have posted two days with my new settings, 7 - 14 cmH20 APAP. I have noticed I have been having more events. Any ideas? Should I adjust the pressures a bit more?
Machine: Remediated Dreamstation APAP-CPAP Mode Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Airfit F20 Humidifier: Built In CPAP Pressure: CPAP 15cmH2O CPAP Software: OSCAR
07-29-2024, 05:41 PM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2024, 05:42 PM by Phaleronic.)
RE: Looking to Improve my AHI Score
Hello Seb483782, I would turn EPR down to 1, that should help with the CAs, then if you want after a night or two we can try it off. Also, I see that ramp is set to on for 20 minutes, do you require ramp?