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Hi All Looking for some advice.
I've been using the CPAP for 2 weeks ago and i struggled getting a good night sleep and gave up for a week.
I was diagnosed with mild Sleep Apnea and the sleep specialist.
I found this group, and looking to give it another go.
I'm running a resmed Autosense 10 with a F&P Evora Full Face Mask.
When i have been using my Machine, i have been waking up in the middle of the night and essentially pulling it off, usually because i'm tired. I'm usually in a daze when i do this, and after a while i was just not getting enough sleep, hence giving up after a week.
I found this forum and decided to follow the suggestions on starting out,
Max Pressure 15
Min Pressure 6
Ramp Time off
EPR Type : Full time
EPR Level 2
However still had the same problem with waking up at 3:00 and removing the mask.
Is this something i just need to get use to? I start of sleeping on my back, but end up on side, and sometimes front.
I've attached my Sample Data of last nights sleep, if anyone can offer suggestions that would be much appreciated, as i want to be able to use the machine and feel well rested.
RE: New User - Settings Suggestion - Disturbed Sleep
You have a bit of positional apnea going on as you can see in the clusters of OA and CA. Suggest the following...
Set min to 8, max to 15, EPR to 3 full-time. Note that your actual median is almost 11, but rather than jump to that it is possible a bit more pressure and EPR will do the trick. Also consider getting a soft cervical collar to help with the chin tucking.
Give that a go for a few days and post some more reports for reviews.
RE: New User - Settings Suggestion - Disturbed Sleep
There are a vast array of soft cervical collars out there. I personally use the Caldera Releaf, but others have good success with some of the knock-offs on Amazon like Nimood and others. You can read more information on soft cervical collars on the wiki. There is a link in my signature to get you there.
Hang in there mate. CPAP can be a nasty beastie that takes time to tame.