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DreamStation Upload Issue
DreamStation Upload Issue
4 Weeks ago, I started with a Respironics DreamStation APAP. And all is going moderately okay.
I was out of country for 2 weeks, and just returned Friday night. During the two weeks out of country I was getting messages DremMapper and email from my DME stating that my machine was not uploading data. This was totally understandable as I was totally off the US Cellular network grid. However I tried an upload Friday night when I got home, and I've tried it several times since then. It starts the process but eventually keeps failing with error message 3-2.
I'll call the DME tomorrow, it could be something on their end. But I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas.

I know this is important as I'm in my first month of this, and we know the insurance companies are looking for that all important compliance data. And I'm proud to say, I'm totally compliant, every night for the last 24 or so has been greater than 4 hours, almost all around 7-8 hours.

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RE: DreamStation Upload Issue
I'm sure the upload issue can be sorted out with your DME. Don't worry too much about the compliance as the evidence is stored in the machine's memory and on the SD card.
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RE: DreamStation Upload Issue
Mine failed today with the same error. Have to call my DME tomorrow too.
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RE: DreamStation Upload Issue
(05-15-2016, 08:49 AM)mscottc Wrote: 4 Weeks ago, I started with a Respironics DreamStation APAP.  And all is going moderately okay.
I was out of country for 2 weeks, and just returned Friday night.  During the two weeks out of country I was getting messages DremMapper and email from my DME stating that my machine was not uploading data.  This was totally understandable as I was totally off the US Cellular network grid.  However I tried an upload Friday night when I got home, and I've tried it several times since then.  It starts the process but eventually keeps failing with error message 3-2.  
I'll call the DME tomorrow, it could be something on their end. But I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas.

I know this is important as I'm in my first month of this, and we know the insurance companies are looking for that all important compliance data. And I'm proud to say, I'm totally compliant, every night for the last 24 or so has been greater than 4 hours, almost all around 7-8 hours.

Hi Scott,

Can I please ask if you know what error code for the modem “call product support” means?
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RE: DreamStation Upload Issue
This thread is over two years old maybe you should start your own thread with your question Scott has not been back since Dec 2017
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