The doctor that read the study concluded:
"A possible optimal pressure of 14cwp/9cwp was achieved: however supine sleep was not observed. (stayed on right side all night because of the wires-not typical-I move a lot). Due to the patient's Apneic severity while supine (in the first no machine at all study required by Medicare) a fully data capable auto BiPAP is recommended with a maximum IPAP = 25 cwp, a minimum EPAP = 9 cwp, maximum PS = 8 cwp, minimum PS = 4 cwp, Bi-Flex - 3, and heated humidification. A fully data capable auto BiPAP will accommodate for any additional severity the patient might experience in REM sleep and perhaps be more effective in eliminating snoring."
**Met with the Sleep Doctor and she felt the IPAP at 25 was too high, and the prescription she wrote was IPAP = 20, EPAP = 9, and a "pressure adjustment" of 5. This confuses me because it's different that the sleep study recommendations.
The settings on my machine show:
Max IPAP - 20
Min EPAP - 9
PS - 5
TI Max - 2.0s
TI Min - 0.3s
Trigger - Med
Cycle - Med
Last night on the machine it shows AHI of 3.9, Total AI of 3.6, and Central AI of 2.2 - I don't know how to correlate that to the Sleephead data of Clear Airway of 4.32, Obstructive of 2.95, and Hypopnea of .53, and an AHI of 7.79?
So some questions if anyone could help:
1 - Other than the IPAP of 20 being less than the study recommendation of 25, are the settings on my machine right based on your experience (I don't know what the Tis, Trigger, and Cycle are) (Also don't know where the "Minimum and Maximum PS" numbers are supposed to be on the machine )
2 - Should I change the IPAP to 25 even though it sounds really high for my history on CPAP?
3 - Should my pressure support be the 3 recommended or the 5 on the prescription or does it matter significantly?
4 - Do the Tis, Trigger, Cycle seem ok?
5 - Do you see any settings that should be changed to in any areas?
6 - I guess it's normal to have some problems switching from an Auto to a BiPAP - at first it felt like I could not breathe and I was hyperventilating and panicking, but I guess I fell asleep off and on - I remember tossing and turning and really struggling.
My husband and I really struggled with trying to get an image/link on here and I don't know if we ever succeeded in posting what is needed - please advise. We got lost once the image was in Imgur and how to get the image/link over on the forum - the image kept overwriting the url and it wasn't clear if we needed to edit the url with another .png. Anyway - we finally did this based on a posting by Sheepish suggesting a click and copy method. Let me know what you may need or how best to do it. My husband is great with computer stuff, but was also lost on the last steps as to what is needed - image or link or edited link or...
Thank you so so much if anyone can look at this and make recommendations. Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to include what the sleep study showed and how the machine was set. The Auto machines are really simple, but the BiPap at first seems complicated. I appreciate your time and advice. Feeling lost and overwhelmed.