RE: Follow up after two months
(06-30-2018, 05:00 PM)cbombzzz Wrote: I have been having some better nights lately. My Dreamstation only allows up to a 30 day trial on auto setting then it reverts to fixed pressure. Why is that? Is it better to stay on a fixed pressure? I've had the machine set at 9.0-11.5 the last four nights and my 90% has been at 10 for three of those nights and one night was 10.3. I'm going to keep doing this for a few more nights. Would you suggest I change to fixed pressure of 10.0?
Thanks again.
Sorry, I don't have a Dreamstation, and have no idea why it would behave that way unless your DME or RT did it remotely. Hopefully one of the gurus will chime in soon and give you the strait skinny.
RE: Follow up after two months
You have a fixed pressure machine. It only allows allows for 30 days auto than your stuck. Based on your 90% I'd set it at 10cm when you have to go fixed.
For some people they do better with fixed pressure but for the most part you want an Auto machine. By the way all Auto machines can be set to Fixed also.
I'd be talking to my Doctor and letting him know you need prescription for a Auto machine.
RE: Follow up after two months
If I have to, I will set a reminder to reset the auto feature every 30 days. I sure wish I knew this when I bought the Dreamstation.
The last couple nights I have increased my upper limit to 10.5 and 11.0. Both nights my 90% hit those numbers. Is the goal to find what the maximum 90% is and use that as the fixed? My plan is to set auto 9.5-11.0 for a week and see what happens.
I've been using the C-Flex+ setting on level 2 and 3. I.m not having as much pressure build up in my mouth anymore, but I still get an incredibly dry mouth in the morning. What causes this and how do I prevent it? I have learned that when I am on my back I am more prone to the mouth pressure release. In case you forgot what I mean (highly unlikely) my mouth fills up with air and when the pressure gets too great my lips break the seal and air is released.
Also, with the C-Flex+ on, I have not felt gassy. That's been awesome. Thank you for helping me solve that issue.
I have read many posts and I understand the goal is to find the combination of good results and quality sleep. I keep track of my settings and how I feel each morning in a spreadsheet. There's definitely a correlation for me in hours of sleep, to the quality. However, I still can get AHI numbers that seem quite high and I'm trying to get those consistently down below 5.0. Last night for example, was 7.9.
Thank you once again.
RE: Follow up after two months
(06-16-2018, 09:48 AM)cbombzzz Wrote: i use the humidifier at a setting of 2, higher than that and i get rainout.
check to make sure the humidifier is set to the "adaptive" mode and not "fixed." usually rainout happens when in fixed mode. You should be able to increase humidifier setting without rainout using adaptive mode.
RE: Follow up after two months
(07-03-2018, 07:36 AM)cbombzzz Wrote: If I have to, I will set a reminder to reset the auto feature every 30 days. I sure wish I knew this when I bought the Dreamstation.
The last couple nights I have increased my upper limit to 10.5 and 11.0. Both nights my 90% hit those numbers. Is the goal to find what the maximum 90% is and use that as the fixed? My plan is to set auto 9.5-11.0 for a week and see what happens.
I read somewhere that the number of times you can use the auto feature is limited in firmware and for a maximum of 30 days it will stop working after a fixed number of uses.
If you want to reset this then a factory reset is likely to be required. If you want an auto machine you need to purchase an auto machine. The CPAP Pro is an fixed pressure machine with a limited auto trial mode.
RE: Follow up after two months
(07-03-2018, 09:54 AM)dmeRT Wrote: (06-16-2018, 09:48 AM)cbombzzz Wrote: i use the humidifier at a setting of 2, higher than that and i get rainout.
check to make sure the humidifier is set to the "adaptive" mode and not "fixed." usually rainout happens when in fixed mode. You should be able to increase humidifier setting without rainout using adaptive mode.
thank you, I will give that a try.
RE: Follow up after two months
Hello again,
I've attached a few of the most recent nights. I've been running a variable pressure of 9.5-11.0 and still get relatively high AHI numbers. C-flex+ on setting 3 is working great. I've discovered that sleeping on my back gives me the most issues with pressure in my mouth and sleeping on my side the least.
Could someone take a look at these charts and tell me something else to try. When I look at them, it looks like a disaster and I don't know what more to try.
Thank you.
RE: Follow up after two months
Have you tried a soft cervical collar? There is some clustering of events that suggest the positional therapy may help. I also think moving Flex back to 2 and allowing pressure to go to 14 may be helpful.
RE: Follow up after two months
I have tried the collar and my results don't change much with or without it. I'll give it another shot and bump the pressure up. The last time I went that high I was painfully bloated and gassy.
I'll be back...
RE: Follow up after two months
Well, I am back with more frustrations and things seemed to have gotten worse. My AHI numbers are consistently in the 20's.
I'm really at a loss and desperately need some help/advice.
Attached are some recent night's results.
I wear the collar all the time now. I used to get low AHI numbers when I sleep on my back, now it doesn't matter, back or side I get bad numbers.
From the research I have done, I have no idea where to go next. Last night I even bumped the pressure to a maximum of 16. No bloating or gas this time. That surprised me, but the AHI of 21 is still not where I'd like to be.
You guys are my last resort before I have to out-of-pocket pay for a new sleep study, which I'd rather not do if you guys can help me.
Please help.
Thank you.