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Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 Autoset Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: AirFit F20 S Humidifier: Integrated in CPAP (heated) CPAP Pressure: 7 cm CPAP Software: myAir
Other Comments: "...to sleep, perchance to dream..." Shakespeare
Help! This board has been my lifeline and I know so little I don't comment often.
I have been going along okay, still fighting a lifetime of poor sleep habits, but feeling better with my CPAP.
Probably my 3 year old or my kitten, who didn't listen when I yelled and told them to leave CPAP and FFM alone, have somehow lost the little magnetic clip that the bottom strap hooks up to. I have searched everywhere and not found it. This morning, it must not have sealed at all because I feel like I got run over by a truck.
My DME is a bunch of jerks (what else is new?). Can a Jerry rig something? Can I buy just the clip? Buying a new FFM is a bit of a last resort due to budgetary issues.
PerChancetoDream, hopefully someone more qualified will chime in soon (I don't use that mask and have no idea if my suggestions would help) I'm wondering if you can fasten that end with a jumbo paper clip or safety pin – or even thread or twine – to keep the mask on until you can get it repaired.
Sadly my experience with DME providers is pretty bad so I have no suggestions for dealing with those cretins.
For replacement give Supplier #1 a call. they should have them. In the mean time I'd try to use string or a velcro strap and tie it to the loop and wrap around your head to the other strap.
Advisory Members serve as an "Advisory Committee" to help shape Apnea Board's rules & policies.
Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients concerning their treatment.
Advisory Members serve as an "Advisory Committee" to help shape Apnea Board's rules & policies.
Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients concerning their treatment.
yeah, IDK. just saying re the thread title and as reminder to all of us to be specific. also, perchance should change her profile if the p10 isn't her usual mask.
Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 Autoset Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: AirFit F20 S Humidifier: Integrated in CPAP (heated) CPAP Pressure: 7 cm CPAP Software: myAir
Other Comments: "...to sleep, perchance to dream..." Shakespeare