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08-27-2024, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2024, 06:57 PM by keen.rain4317.)
Help adjusting pressure
I just started using the AirSense 11 after being diagnosed with AHI 6.3. They started me with nasal pillows and 4-20 pressure. I have a few problems with it:
Pressure seems too low at times and I wake up feeling like it's hard to inhale
Pressure seems too high at times and I wake up due to high pressure (I'm a light sleeper)
My tongue doesn't stay on the roof of my mouth, the seal breaks and air escapes out of my mouth (I've tried chin strap and mouth tape, doesn't help)
Should I adjust the pressure range? Should I get a full face mask?
I've already adjusted the pressure to 6-18 but I still wake up every few hours because of the air leaking out of my mouth.
08-27-2024, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2024, 11:28 PM by Millstone50.)
RE: Help adjusting pressure
You have some centrals which can be temporary as you adjust to therapy. Two changes I would make are disable ramp and EPR to 3. You weren't showing the flow limitation graph but it's what is causing the pressure to increase. You likely do need to go higher, especially if using higher EPR. You can try 8-12 for instance if you are concerned about runaway pressure increases, this better matches with your averages.
If taping did not work for you, try using 2-inch wide tape cut to at least 5 inches long. Lots here like Cover Roll Stretch tape and Hypafix. These both work very well. I like Theraband Kinesiology tape better because I find it more comfortable, and it adheres better to the contours of my face, but it does cost more.