I bought and tried every mask out there. Due to periodic nasal obstruction throughout the night, I cannot use the nasal only masks but find the full face masks very comfortable and sleep all night with them. I have found best results with a ResMed F20 air touch full face mask. The memory foam is much more comfortable and makes a better seal.
My current frustration is I wake up 2-3 times a night with a little puddle of drool in the corner of the mask and the foam is all wet, and I have to take it off to dry it. I think the drooling itself is waking me up. I have tried the cervical collars, the knightsbridge chin strap, all the other chin straps, custom oral appliances with rubber bands, every pillow under the sun, you name it. I have not been successful at keeping my jaw from dropping while I sleep, but honestly, this aspect does not bother me too much since I use a full face mask and have to breathe out of my mouth for a lot of the night anyways. My AHI is always low and around .3 and in general I feel pretty refreshed.
It is a minor but annoying inconvenience to have to wake up and wipe drool out of the mask and my face, and wake my partner up with the leaking air noises. I tried mask liners, stuffing cotton balls and tissue inside the mask, no luck. I find the airtouch foam actually helps the most as the foam will absorb a lot of the saliva before waking me. I know this is a little gross but it is our reality
I have played with my temperature and humidity settings to optimize what is comfortable and prevent rainout. Any other tips on how to reduce the drooling?
Thank you