But I'm hoping these figures are good.
This is a screenshot of my Sleepyhead data for the 44 days I've been using a CPAP machine.
It took me three days of trying to get past the 4 hours in a night mark, I really struggled with it at first.... and part the way through the first month I also had a head cold and couldn't use the machine for two nights.
My specialist has said I have to do 28 days straight at a minimum 4 hours per night before he will sign off for me to get my driver's licence reinstated... I'm fitter and healthier than the people ordering and doing the damned tests on me.
So I'm still in "assessment" mode at the moment with my mindset on it.
I will be so glad to get the clearance letter from the specialist that I need to present for my appeal case, I go back to court on the 18th of August.. fingers crossed for success this time seeing as we had to ask for adjournments the two previous times.