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Need some help setting up my machine to treat me optimally please!
Hello everyone! I naively thought i could do this on my own, that was obviously not the case. Diagnosed with an AHI of 124.1.
I am using a Resmed Autoset 10 in APAP mode, my pressure (i have been messing with it, trying desperately to find my sweet spot to no avail) is currently 4 - 20, EPR is 3, and ramp is turned off.
Below are my OSCAR results the last few nights. Any help would be appreciated. I woke up after my first night and felt great but I've never been able to replicate that feeling since.
05-28-2023, 10:47 AM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2023, 10:49 AM by staceyburke.)
RE: Need some help setting up my machine to treat me optimally please!
We still need to see the flow limits but on this night your main problem is positional apnea. Also known as chin tucking when your chin drops down to your sternum cutting off your own airway.
Think of it like a garden hose with a kink. No water can get past that kink and it does NOT help turning up the water - nothing will get through until you fix the kink.
You must find out why you are getting into that position. Positional apnea can happen In any sleeping position but happens more often when you are on your back. It could be to high of pillow(s) forcing your chin down.
If you can’t stop sleeping in that position you may need a collar to keep you chin up and your neck straight. I have a link to collars that show people without collars and the same people with the collar and it is a huge difference. (Link in my signature)
You can tell positional apnea by the large group events in either the O or H events.