RE: Rank Newbie
Since they were trying different pressures, you experienced everything from air-starvation at low pressure, to pressure higher than you can comfortably tolerate, all without any exhale pressure relief (EPR). When you eventually are dispensed your own machine there is a lot you can do to get more comfortable. The important part of a titration study is to not just find your "optimal pressure" but to rule out CPAP induced central apnea. The biggest problem with a titration study is the recommendation of a single pressure that is "best". Don't let that keep you from getting Auto CPAP.
09-29-2017, 06:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-29-2017, 07:02 PM by Doza.)
RE: Rank Newbie
My machine arrived this morning. Impressive shipping, I must say. Shipped from Las Vegas on Tuesday, arrived yesterday evening, but we missed it so the guy brought it in this morning.
Unboxing is most enjoyable LOL
Very much looking forward to getting this baby going.
I do have a quick question. Humidity is very high here (an 11 litre bucket of water is full from an overnight portable aircon unit), so would I need to even bother with the humidifier?
RE: Rank Newbie
Even with high humidity, a passive humidification is nice. Just put water in the chamber and don't turn on heat. With Climateline, my summer settings are manual 3, 72-degrees F. That essentially does not add heat from the tubing and is a low humidity setting.