Sleep test with CPAP machine?
My stats were good 8 months ago: < 1 AHI/hour, etc.
I've been wondering though, if it's possible to self administer a sleep test using a CPAP machine? I don't really know what I'm talking about, but what if I adjusted the pressure to a very low number. Wouldn't the event frequently go up? Couldn't that number be used to determine sleep quality w/o a CPAP machine?
This is mostly a question asked out of curiosity, but I do wonder sometimes how my sleep would be w/o my machine. But there's no medical reason to have another sleep test done.
RE: Sleep test with CPAP machine?
Yes, if you set your machine to 4 (the lowest setting) then your AHI should rise (unless you have been miraculously cured) and give you an approximation of untreated sleep. It likely won't be exact as 4 is still some pressure. You might also feel suffocated on that little pressure preventing sleep and skewing your AHI numbers.
RE: Sleep test with CPAP machine?
Hi tfield98,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
Hang in there for answers to your question; good luck to you with your CPAP therapy.