Hypopnea question
Hi Guys
I’ve been using CPAP for 18 months now and have had great success. My AHI has been averaging .5 - 3.
Over the past few weeks my AHI has been getting higher and is now generally 5 or above. Looking at my stats my actual apnea’s haven’t increased particularly but I’m having many more
hyopneas. I’m assuming an increase in pressure is the correct course of action?
Any input would be appreciated.
RE: Hypopnea question
Increases in minimum pressure of 0.5 cm increments will show the improvement most likely. You should not have to increase maximum pressure unless you frequently find you hit that mark. You can also experiment with flex settings. The Philps AFlex ans CFlex seems to increase hypopnea at higher settings.
RE: Hypopnea question
It is easier to give advice when you attach a copy of your daily charts. Wee bot mine and Sleeprider signatures for how to get, setup your charts and attach your Sleepyhead files.
RE: Hypopnea question
Give it a go, nothing to loose.
Higher low pressure should help, worth a try. Do not adjust the high pressure unless your AHI is going up. You will get the odd night where your AHI will be higher, we all get those. However, if it is creeping up you need to keep an eye on it.
Post your data if you can master it.
This helps a lot when others look at your data.
I am NOT a doctor. I try to help, but do not take what I say as medical advice.
Every journey, however large or small starts with the first step.