10-24-2023, 09:19 PM
New user settings advice
Hi guys,
Can I please get some advice on if there is anything to look into changing settings wise? I'm 26M with 6.5 AHI and not really feeling much of an effect from APAP. I know my diagnosis is very mild but I'm still feeling drowsy during the day and finding it hard to stay focused/concentrate/think even with APAP. I've been using APAP for 5 weeks without success and am a few days into restarting it.
Can I please get some advice on if there is anything to look into changing settings wise? I'm 26M with 6.5 AHI and not really feeling much of an effect from APAP. I know my diagnosis is very mild but I'm still feeling drowsy during the day and finding it hard to stay focused/concentrate/think even with APAP. I've been using APAP for 5 weeks without success and am a few days into restarting it.