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Here are data from three recent nights, all with same settings - pressure 10-16, EPR 3. Bleep Halo mask.
Many of the Event Flags are CA, more common in the early morning hours (e.g., after 3 AM). I don't really know what CA's are, or what might help reduce them.
Any suggestions to reduce CA's and overall AHI?
Thank you
Go back to your original settings and let the auto features do the work that it is supposed to do and only check your results once a week at the most. Your body has to adjust to the settings which makes it impossible to change setting every day. If you look at your pressure chart, you are spending most of the night at a flat line @ your max pressure. I'm on an ASV machine and my settings are 4.0 min E, 15.0 Max E, 0 Min support to 20.0 max support pressure. To compare against your setting this would be 4.0 min to 35.0 max. I to was chasing the best results, until I figured out that opening the machine wide open and letting the Auto settings of the machine do the work. Current AHI average of less than 2.0 and sleeping like a baby. My wife is very confused because she has never met the rested me with energy. She's positive that I have been replaced with a look alike of me.
I thought your EPR was at 2 because it was hard to read on your chart. Your most recent chart looks good. I suggest you stay there if you are comfortable and sleeping well.
Your CAs are up because you are using EPR. I suggest you continue with the EPR as you only had one CA on your first chart. That means the ones you see now are treatment-emergent and will lessen as time passes and your AHI will drop accordingly.