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Hello everyone from the great state of Alaska. I am a 67 year old male, 72" tall, 290 pounds I have been on Bipap therapy now for 298 days. I adapted easily and have not missed a single day of usage or compliance. I have had severe OSA for many years most likely, but did not get a sleep study until I recently retired. My sleep study showed an AHI of around 43, and with therapy my average AHI is at 3.21 however I occasionally have a "bad day" which will leave me feeling like i used to before therapy, dull, groggy, tired, etc. These bad days will be between around 4 to 9 AHI.
I have not been very happy with my provider, I have yet to have an appointment with a Doctor, it is always a PA and in those 298 days I have had only 2 followups, they did not even go over my data since I did tell them that I was feeling much better and was super compliant with Medicare. That is why I am here, to see if anything sticks out that can be improved with the settings on my Resmed Aircurve 10 Vauto. A doctor did evaluate my sleep studies, there have been 2 the first was with no therapy, the second was a titration study.
I am including screenshots one of my poorer days of usage, and I am taking it upon myself to try to adjust my settings if issues can be identified that need to be changed. I have been reluctant to change anything, worried about compliance issues if they see settings have been changed though it seems obvious nobody is watching.
At any rate, here is my data maybe more than needed. Thank you in advance eveyone!
I was wondering if my pressure could be an issue, when I look at the flow rate around an OA event, it shows my breathing stopped. They can occur in clusters, perhaps during a more sound sleep period. There are also times when I am awake that I have soft tissue block my exhalation at times. By the way both my Dad and Son had surgery for blockages not sure right now what the term is for what they had. My son said it has been a game changer for him, it was several months ago. I should go see an ENT, I have not yet.