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I just completed one year of CPAP use. I have followed this forum closely and watched a lot of YouTube videos, but I can't get my AHI average below 3.00. I will get an occasional 2.00 - 2.50, but the average consistently stays at just above 3.00. It seems like every experienced CPAP user in this forum averages 1.00 or lower. I have tried different masks and settings, but I just can't get my AHI lower. Usually, I log about twice as many hypopneas as apneas. Is there anything I need to do that will bring the hypopneas down?
I have primarily used a DreamWear nasal cushion, but lately I have been experimenting with the Bleep DreamPorts. I tape my mouth, and leaks do not seem to be a problem.
I have attached a screenshot from last night, together with a closeup from around 3 am, which seems to be representative of the hypopnea issue I refer to.
From your charts, you are now using an F&P SleepStyle Auto. In your settings, I see that the EPR is 'OFF". In my experience with a ResMed AutoSense, my hypoapneas are reduced considerable when I set my EPR to its maximum, so I would suggest you turn on EPR to at least its middle value and try that for a week or so.
Apnea Board Monitors are members who help oversee the smooth functioning of the Board. They are also members of the Advisory Committee which helps shape Apnea Board's rules & policies. Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients concerning their treatment.
Great advice pholynyk. Thank you very much. I turned on the EPR last night and my AHI was 1.43 with only 7 hypopneas. This compares to a 3.75 AHI with 21 hypopneas on the previous night, which had been consistent with my readings for most other nights. I meant to set the EPR to 2 as you advised, but for some reason I only set it to one. Do you think I should try 2 or higher tonight or leave it alone. I have attached an Oscar screenshot from last night.
I should add, I slept great last night and feel very good this morning (except for a very sore arm from the second COVID booster shot I received yesterday).
We all know that one night doesn't make a trend, but it is encouraging. By way of making it a proper experiment, I would leave it at 1 for a week, then increase EPR to 2 for a week, and then try 3 for a week. After that evaluate which week felt most comfortable. If the comfort was about the same, chose the week with the best numbers. Remember, comfortable sleep is the goal.
Apnea Board Monitors are members who help oversee the smooth functioning of the Board. They are also members of the Advisory Committee which helps shape Apnea Board's rules & policies. Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients concerning their treatment.