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Ah man, that's all I do. I have more doctors than I can manage. I have temporary doctors, am awaiting appointments simply for referrals to new endocrinologists. Only recently through constant use of this CPAP, have I noticed that it's not doing anything.
My data is now recording, but my AHI is showing < 2 or 0 for most times I'm asleep. I just had a sleep attack within the last 2 hours and I have no clue why. I had some scrambled eggs and some fried tofu before Noon, and the regular attack came on. This happens quite often.
Let me put some charts down later today.
daBee in Toronto Unit: MesRed AirSense 10 nasal | 8 cm no ramp
These are very short sessions. Do you have any that are longer? Also, next time you post a chart, could you do some reformatting to make it easier to see what's going on?
* Close the calendar and get rid of the pie chart.
* Include only these graphs: Events, Flow Rate, Pressure, Leaks, Flow Limitations, Snores.
So I haven't been able to wear this thing overnight since I posted. Does the CPAP system have an expected degradation over time with users? It's so intrusive and I'm still getting into claustrophobic situations.
daBee in Toronto Unit: MesRed AirSense 10 nasal | 8 cm no ramp
No, CPAP doesn't have an expected degradation over time with users. If you could tell us more about why you aren't able to use the machine all night, we could try to help you.
Not CPAP, but my health, due to the CPAP. I'm finding it dryer than before, and I am still claustrophobic after trying very hard to use the thing. It's just gotten worse over the last 2 months to the point I am avoiding it.
daBee in Toronto Unit: MesRed AirSense 10 nasal | 8 cm no ramp
I had a full titration test to set pressure. No sense in going past that. It also makes me swallow air if I set it too high. I had it 9 or 10 before and it was too much. I've had this unit for 5 years so I'm used to it. It's just gotten worse over the last 3 months. I only have this mask and it's the least intrusive of all the masks I've looked at. I can't spend $1000 on trying masks. I have the humidity up already. It hasn't changed and it's just not tolerable as it's gotten worse for some reason.
daBee in Toronto Unit: MesRed AirSense 10 nasal | 8 cm no ramp